Here is an exerpt of the review by Micheal Upchurch:
“The new group show at Prographica/fine works on paper, “The Space Between Things,” comes with an exquisitely apt epigraph from pianist Arthur Schnabel. “The notes I handle no better than many pianists,” he says of his keyboard playing, “but the pauses between notes, that is where the art resides.” The best pieces in “Space” do something similar. Their allure stems from what they omit or leave open to suggestion rather than what they spell out in detail. Eric Elliott, in his “Studio” and “Studio Chair” series, offers repeated object lessons on how his more literal renderings of his subject matter are inevitably less captivating than his pieces where the objects on view are in some phase of ghostly dissolution. Working in ink on paper, Elliott constructs his studio scenes from small, watercolor-like ink-lozenges in various shades of gray. Curator Norman Lundin has placed contrasting pairs (“Studio 24” and “Studio 29”) and a trio from Elliott’s “Studio Chair” series in close proximity so you can see for yourself that the more detail the artist leaves out, the more the eye is beguiled…”
Here is a link to read the whole article: Seattle Times